Feeding Therapy


Our team of occupational therapists all have extensive knowledge and experience treating children with a variety of feeding challenges. We utilize different approaches and techniques including the SOS Approach (for sensory-based feeding challenges), the Beckman Oral Motor Protocol, and other formal strategies. 

Who can benefit from feeding therapy?

Feeding therapy is ideal for children of any age who demonstrate certain challenges.

There can be many causes for feeding challenges in children, and our expert team of therapists can determine the underlying causes as well as formulate a comprehensive treatment plan to address these challenges.

Please note that we require families to bring food to therapy and also pay a $20 monthly food fee for the cost of additional and specific foods and supplies we use as part of treatment. It is expected that families will follow through with suggested home programs in order to see the most progress in your child. We believe strongly in a collaborative, patient, and consistent effort to address sensitive feeding challenges.